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venerdì 8 giugno 2007


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1 commento:

Anonimo ha detto...

MUTATIONS IN THE DNA OF GLIBC!!! Awesome = EVOLVE. Nice job, too! Leave that troglodyte in the dust scratching his fleas in his RHEL cave where he belongs. There’s really only ONE thing holding GNU/Linux back from being eaten whole by the masses (as it, like Solyent Green is, of course, PEOPLE), and it’s that thing which afflicts Ulrich and his ilk: ARROGANT GEEKISM. No one, absolutely NO ONE likes an arrogant, asshole-ish geek. Even other geeks (and you know someone over at RedHat is snickering in their cubicle right now). Good job, way to go and It’s About Freakin’ Time. As for strlcpy and strlcat; at lest the BSD guys’ll be happy now. Just be careful with that!


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